TN268GIS - Integrate OMI Navigation with BIM 3D model

TN268GIS - Integrate OMI Navigation with BIM 3D model

In the following Tech Note we will see how to integrate the navigation of our OMI application with a BIM model by changing the focused element on the IFC 3D model.

It's mandatory to import the BIM OMI package that it could be find on the following path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\GISIZE_BIM\Apps Packages\BIMViewer InTouch OMI Apps.aaPKG". That action will import the necessary objects into Graphic Toolbox .

We are going to use the property  FocusOnElement  from the BIM_Properties Namespace. This is a R/W property which value is the name of the ArchestrA Instance linked to the IFC 3D model. We are going to define the workflow as follows:

In the following example, we have a Data change script embedded in a layout where everytime the Navigation Asset changes it associates the value of the current asset to FocusOnElement variable:

The FocusOnElement variable is a string type variable and can be found on BIM_Properties namespace:

In order to associate the name of the current asset to an element of the IFC model, we need to create references in BIM Repository to existing ArchestrA Instances in our galaxy. First we create a Template inside BIM Repository and we named it the same value as the Template of the ArchestrA Instances .
In the following image, we can see how to create a template inside BIM Repository and we define the ArchestrA Template field as  $LK#Infra_equipment#Clima

Following the example, we make instances derived from the previously created template and we associate the ArchestrA Instance field with the name of the instances in our galaxy.

Previous values of ArchestrA Template and ArchestrA Instance must match with the template and instances created in our galaxy. It can be seen in the following image:

Last configuration step is to link the IFC Element to ArchestrA Instance . To do that open the List View of the BIM Repository and select the element you want to link from the list. Click on Edit Element button. Click Select Template button and select the previously created template on pop-up window.  Click Select Instance button and select the previously created instace on pop-up window. 

On runtime, we can test our changes by opening the 3D model on the OMI application .

Open the Navigation Tree and select the asset that we associate its name to the IFC element. The 3D model will navigate and zoom to the element.

Important note: this Tech Note is delivered “as is”, that means, is delivered as a product complementary document, but not included inside Tech Support scope. Therefore, any malfunction derived from the content of this Tech Note is not Wonderware Iberia responsibility.