TN245GIS - Open an ArchestrA Graphic when clicking over a Marker

TN245GIS - Open an ArchestrA Graphic when clicking over a Marker

In the following Tech Note we will see how to detect actions produced over GISize GeoSpatial components and how to do actions associated to Galaxy objects. In this case, we are going to detect a click over a GISize marker on a map and open a ArchestrA Graphic.
When we import C:\Program Files (x86)\GISIZE\Apps Packages\GISize InTouch OMI Apps.aaPKG package it will be imported some components where we can find NameSpaces objects with variables associated to GISize Wrapper. In this document, we use NameSpace GISize_Events and its Marker_Click_Name variable. For more information, in GISize Training manual it is explained the content of each NameSpace

On OMI application, we will need an ArchestrA Graphic to be shown while the GISize Wrapper is used and in order to detect any action on the Wrapper

1.  On ArchestrA IDE, edit an ArchestrA Graphic that will be shown while the wrapper is open .
2.  Create a string type Custom Property and define its Default Value as reference with value MyViewApp.GISize_Events.Marker_Click_Name. This Custom Property will get the marker name we select on the Wrapper .

3.  Create a DataChange type script to evaluate the value change of the Custom Property previously created. In the script body, add the necessary code in order to execute ShowGraphic function.

Where MarkerPopup_AG is the name of the ArchestrA Graphic that will open as Pop up when we click on the marker.

4. Clicking the marker on the Map Wrapper on Runtime:


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