TN244GIS - Updating GISize GeoSpatial Module version

TN244GIS - Updating GISize GeoSpatial Module version

In the following Tech Note we will follow the necessary steps in order to update the GISize GeoSpatial Module version, including the repository and the components used in a OMI application.

1. Uninstall the current version installed in the Operative System through the Control Panel.

2.  Open ArchestrA IDE and delete the following components: GISIZE_GEOSpatialApp, GISIZE_GEOSpatialWrapper, GISIZE_GEOSpatialSettings and, if they exist, GISizeWPF_Legacy, GISizeWrapper_Legacy located on the Graphic Toolbox.

3. Close ArchestrA IDE and restart the Operative System. This step is done to assure that GISize Wrapper WPF do not persists in computer memory.
4.  Install new GISize GeoSpatial Module version following the steps indicated in the installer windows.
5.  Open ArchestrA IDE, import C:\Program Files (x86)\GISIZE\Apps Packages\GISize InTouch OMI Apps.aaPKG package. We can check the correct import observing that the objects we deleted on step 2 are created again and the warning symbols disappear.

Additionally, the imported package version could be checked editing GISIZE_GEOSpatialWrapper layout. On Properties tab, on ControlVersion property change the binding option to Constant. It will appear the imported control version. It’s important to do not save when we close the edition.

If after the import, the GISIZE_GEOSpatialWrapper layout shows warnings related to missed references of namespaces attributes, delete all NameSpaces located on ViewApp NameSpaces folder. The system will notify us that the objects we are going to delete are in use by other objects. When we accept the deletion these objects will indicate a reference warning.

6.  Open GISize Toolbox and select GISize repository that we want to migrate.  
7.  On the pop-up window, confirm the migration selecting OK button.

It will appear a confirmation message indicating the migration process has finished correctly.

Important note: this Tech Note is delivered “as is”, that means, is delivered as a product complementary document, but not included inside Tech Support scope. Therefore, any malfunction derived from the content of this Tech Note is not Wonderware Iberia responsibility.